Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cleanse Day Two: I'm A Survivor

Day Two and I've already resorted to trying to trick myself into thinking there is booze in my chocolate shakes.

That pretty much sums up how I feel about Day Two on this cleanse.

I could certainly use a celebratory shot now that the day is through.

I've had a headache for the last few hours, but I'm assuming that's due to caffeine withdrawal.

Honestly, I've just felt a bit "off" all day.

Now that my bladder has forgiven me my stomach seems to be the one that hates me. Not to be all TMI, but I spent a good amount of time in the bathroom today - buuuuuut I guess that's my body's way of ridding itself of all the crap I've put into it lately.

This is a CLEANSE after all.

One plus about today - meeting my water requirement wasn't as painful as yesterday. I think my body is actually starting to crave the water.

Another plus, I lost 3 pounds already. Even if that's all water weight, it still felt like an accomplishment and helped me push through the not-so-awesomeness of Day Two on the cleanse.

Despite today not being as cake as yesterday, I'm still in pretty good spirits. I knew this first week wouldn't be all unicorns shitting rainbows while I'm adjusting to all these drastic changes in my diet.

Speaking of drastic changes... I think I deserve a mighty ass-slap for having dinner at my parent's tonight and only eating the salad, chicken, brown rice and broccoli I brought with me, as I watched everyone else lick the butter off their lips that adorned their slices of Italian Bread.

Sweet Baby Jesus I wanted to dry hump that succulent loaf of bread when my Mom placed it on the dinner table, but alas I did not.

I've still got this and am determined to make it through the entire 30 days without cheating.

Tomorrow is a new day, and hopefully it will be a more enjoyable one.


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