Monday, October 20, 2014

Lemon Garlic Hummus Recipe

If there's one thing that I've learned on my Isagenix journey, it's that a girl's GOTTA have good snacks! As convenient and delicious as the vanilla and chocolate shakes are, I need a balance of sucking my calories through a straw and chewing them.

Chickpeas are a great source of protein, as well as soluble fiber - which helps stabilize blood sugar levels. This Lemon and Garlic Hummus is my go to snack, and sometimes dinner. It's clean, simple, and super easy to make. If I've had a day that's left me too exhausted to cook an entire meal, I make this when I'm HANGRY.

All you need to do is throw the ingredients into a food processor and let it whip for a minute or two. Serve with some gluten free Mary's Gone Crackers (I buy mine at Wegmans), or chop up some of your favorite veggies to go with - NO CARROTS if you're on my From Boozer To Loser 30 Day Weight Loss Plan.

Your taste buds will thank you.

A man friend once made this hummus recipe for me, and I've been hooked ever since. It was so good I may or may not have gotten naked for him afterwards. Over time I've tweaked his original recipe to get the hummus exactly how I like it. Feel free to do the same once you've gotten used to making it.

Of course, you could buy hummus at the grocery store but fresh is SOOOO much better. Try it and you'll see.

Plus I find it cheaper to make my own. Once you invest in the first set of ingredients to make this lemon and garlic hummus, they should last you a few months. Then you're only purchasing an inexpensive can of chickpeas from the grocery store when you want to make it.

Did you like this recipe? Have a favorite hummus recipe of your own to share? I'd love to hear from you down in the comments!

*Nutritional Info found using My Fitness Pal

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