Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cleanse Day Fourteen: There's Vodka Coming Out Of My Eyeballs

I have no pictures today. It was a deep cleanse day so please cut me some slack.

So that whole breaking my cleanse with booze thing on the night of day thirteen... apparently NOT the best idea I ever had.

The morning and entire day after was not pretty.

Cleanse Day Fourteen marked the kickoff of my second round of deep cleansing.  If you need a reminder, that means I don't get to eat anything but those delicious cardboard snacks for the next two days.

While this deep cleanse has definitely been easier than my first in terms how I feel physically, psychologically is a whole different story.

I wasn't super out of it or acting like I hit a bong one too many times during day one of my cleanse like I did during my first deep cleanse last week. I also wasn't starving.

What I was, was OH-SO out of sorts for most of the day. I cried. A lot. Over silly things I should not have been crying about.

Perhaps it was just my body pushing the toxic vodka I'd ingested out of my eyeballs.

In any event, it sucked and I didn't like it and I'm pretty sure it had a lot to do with the not-so-great decision I made to drink with friends the night before. 

Before starting this journey I never really noticed how my body felt after I ate or drank anything unhealthy because that was pretty much what I ingested day in and day out.

Sure, sometimes I made myself a healthy meal or enjoyed a salad, but then at some point in the day I'd throw some crap in my body to erase any good that would've come from it.

I'd had caffeine in one form or another every single day for the last eight years. The buzz I would get in the morning after my first cup of coffee is what I thought clarity felt like.

Now I know better.

This nutritional cleanse has shown me how much better I feel when I fuel my body with water vs artificially sweetened drinks and good, clean foods over processed ones.

On day fourteen I really paid attention to how my body felt after I'd made the choice to indulge in alcohol the night before. I didn't like feeling so mentally out of control after experiencing how awesome it feels to be clear headed and energized.

Maybe I needed the slip up to show me how far I've come and to remind me of all the great things I'm doing for my body with this nutritional cleanse.

Maybe next time I'm tempted to get silly over a couple of drinks I'll pass.


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