Friday, October 11, 2013

Cleanse Day Fifteen: I'm A Loser, Baby

Cleanse Day Fifteen was smooth sailing until about 7pm when I literally wanted to rip my arm off and tear into it like a meaty drumstick.

I know I joked about wanting to chew my legs off in my video last week during my first deep cleanse, but shit got real when my stomach started grumbling so loudly even my son shuddered with fear that I might try to ingest him.

The things pictured above are basically the only things I got to put into my mouth yesterday (Remember those lovely cardboard snacks from last week?!) besides my cleanse juice and water. I did have four delicious "chocolates" too, but for some reason they just didn't satisfy me during this round of deep cleansing.

Maybe it's because my love of sweets seems to be waning after forgoing sugar during this nutritional cleanse.

In any event, I hit a wall where I was down in the dumps. Luckily I posted a status update on Facebook grumbling about my grumbling and a fellow cleanser came to my rescue with support and a suggestion to "enjoy" an additional cardboard snack to curb my appetite.

As much as I loathe the taste of those snacks, sucking on an extra one did the trick and quieted the wrath of my belly, so thank you, fellow cleanser, for suggesting that!

That's another thing I love about this cleanse - the Community of those doing it are so positive and supportive. We have a private FB group to share successes, failures and get general advice from one another about the program. Even if I don't post in there often, just reading other people's posts is a huge motivation to me.

So after eating the extra cardboard snack I officially made it through my second round of deep cleansing - GO ME!!!

This time around I wanted to take measurements right before and right after the deep cleanse to see how effective they really are.

Here are my results JUST from the two days of deep cleansing this week...

I lost 2 inches off my waist!! I lost 1/2 an inch from by butt. I lost 1.5 inches from my thighs. I lost 1/4 inch from my biceps.

Crazy right?! 2 inches from my waist in 2 days?

But what's even more amazing to me are my full results from just 15 days on this nutritional cleanse.

Check these numbers out.

9.6 pounds GONE
6 inches from my waist GONE
( I told you before this is the area I've had trouble with since having my son. That stubborn fat refused to move since I gave birth to him, but for whatever reason this cleanse is flushing it right off of me and I LOVE IT!)
2 inches of junk in my trunk GONE
3 inches from my thighs GONE
1 inch from my biceps GONE

That's 12 inches and 9.6 pounds GONE in just 15 days.

And the only exercise I've been consistently doing is a 90 minute Hot Yoga class once a week.



I can't wait to see what kind of results the next 15 days of this nutritional cleanse brings.

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